Abstract submission deadlines
Main Meeting – Midnight on Friday 10th January 2025 – Open Soon
Special Interest Groups and BAD Sub-Committee – Midnight on Friday 7th February 2025
Late Breaking Deadline – Midnight on Monday 26th May 2025 (2 Oral slots only, no publication)

Please CLICK HERE to read the Author Instructions

DermSchool Abstracts – Deadline TBC
Please note abstracts submitted will only be considered for e-posters

Submission Frequently asked questions

  • Abstract submission for the main meeting (including Clinicopathological Cases session)

Submission deadline – Midnight on 10th January 2025.

Abstract submission for the Special Interest Group and Sub-Committee sessions

Submission deadline – Midnight on 7th February 2025.

Abstracts Submissions for the following special interest groups will be considered for the 105th Annual Meeting:

  • British Cosmetic Dermatology Group
  • British Hair & Nail Society
  • British Society of Cutaneous Allergy
  • British Society for Dermatopathology
  • British Society for Dermatological Surgery
  • British Society for Geriatric Dermatology
  • British Society for Skin Care in Immunosuppressed Individuals
  • British Society for Paediatric Adolescent Dermatology
  • British Photodermatology Group
  • Dermatology Education Session
  • Historical Symposium*
  • Psychodermatology
  • Skin Genetics Group
  • Teledermatology & Digital Dermatology Symposium
  • Global Health Dermatology Session**

* Guidance to Authors of abstracts for submission to the Historic Symposium

  • Suggested criteria for submission and judging of papers and posters for the BAD Historical symposium
  • Significance of the work: Does it address an unanswered aspect of dermatological history, i.e. is it original? Would the result of the study change our view of the past? Would the results change our attitude to the present and future?
  • Type of study: Is this a biography, a review, or an investigation stimulated by historical events? Have appropriate methods been used for the type of study? Are literature review, hypothesis, methodology and statistical analysis used as appropriate for the study?
  • Analysis: Is the work just a review or summary of existing data already published in textbooks, journals or on the internet, or does it contain an analysis of these data producing original ideas?
  • Presentation: Are the questions to be addressed, the results and meaning, clearly presented in the abstract. For posters, is the study clearly explained. Is there good use of visual images-slides or photographs?
  • Work involved: Is the contribution of the presenter clearly delineated? For presenters who are students or trainees not yet in dermatology, is there appropriate recognition of support from senior dermatological colleagues?
  • Biographies: These should be on people who have been deceased for at least 10 years

** Guidance for the Global Health Dermatology Session

Global health dermatology aims to advance efforts to improve the skin health and well-being of people and the planet. Focusing on issues that transcend national borders, it is an area of study, research and practice that places a priority on improving health and health equity for all people worldwide. It requires and promotes interdisciplinary collaboration, including extension beyond health sciences, in order to address health issues which combine population-based health prevention with individual level medical intervention. Our focus extends beyond borders, encompassing population-level studies and work in low to middle-income settings, as well as addressing undeserved communities in high-income nations.

The Abstract Selection Committee invites Members and their colleagues to submit papers for presentation at the BAD Conference in July 2025. Abstracts by non-members are very welcome.

There is no fee for making a submission. If your submission is accepted for presentation, then the presenting author will be required to attend the Conference and pay the appropriate registration fee. Authors who submitted to the main meeting will be notified in early February 2025 and authors who have submitted to the Special Interest Group and Sub-Committee sessions will be notified in March 2025 whether or not their abstract has been accepted.

BAD Author instructions 2025

  • If you are submitting more than one abstract, you can use the same email address and password for each abstract.
  • Abstracts are required for all oral and poster presentations. Abstracts MUST be submitted online.
  • Please read the author instructions carefully before submitting your abstract.
  • Authors can use tables. Please note that table text will count toward your maximum word count of 400.
  • Images are not allowed as part of the abstract. However, if you are submitting to the Clinicopathological cases session you will be asked to upload supporting images.
  • An anonymous selection process will be used: therefore, please do not use identifying features such as names of authors, hospitals, medical schools, clinics or cities in the title or text of the abstract. Any author not adhering to this rule will have their paper rejected.
  • The work to be presented must be original and not already published as a full paper or published as an abstract at a National or International meeting. If, at the time of submission to the BAD Annual Meeting, the work has been presented at or submitted to a National or International Dermatology meeting, it should be declared in the submission process. prior presentations at the RSM, Irish, Welsh, Scottish, SWETS, NEDS Regional meetings presented should be declared but will still be considered. If the abstract is subsequently accepted at more than one meeting the BAD expects the authors to withdraw from one meeting to avoid duplicate publication. If not declared, then the abstract will be rejected and considered a serious probity issue.
  • If you have a poster accepted in the main meeting there is still the opportunity to submit the abstract for an ORAL ONLY PRESENTATION in a Special Interest Group or Sub-Committee Session. Please select this as an option during the poster choices question of the online submission form. Please also ensure that you select the relevant Special Interest Group or Sub-Committee that the abstract should be considered when completing the SIG/Sub-Committee question.
  • Authors submitting to SIGs or Sub-Committee sessions can only submit the abstract to one session and not multiple sessions.
  • Encore abstracts can be submitted but there would need to be significant changes to the original published abstract. Authors are advise that the prior publication is clearly disclosed during the submission process.
  1. Log in to the submission system when your abstract is completed and ready to send. To log in, if you are a new user you will be asked to create an account or if you have used the system before you will be asked to register with your email address and password.
  2. When you click the “log in” button you will be taken to a screen from which the submission process starts. Please read the instructions on this screen carefully.
  3. Submitting an abstract is a multi-step process. Each step asks several questions:
  • Step 1: You can copy the abstract title and abstract text from your Word document and paste it into the submission box. Please note that because of web browser limitations some scientific symbols may not paste correctly into the form – you may have to correct this by writing the name of the symbol in full, for example “beta” instead of β.
  • All steps: Some questions will be mandatory. We cannot accept your abstract until these questions have been answered.
  • All steps: If you do not know the answer to a question – for example you may not be sure in which category your abstract should be presented – you can skip the question and return on a later occasion to complete it.
  • Final step: once you have completed this step click the ‘Submit’ button. If you have answered all the mandatory questions, then your abstract will be assigned a reference number and you will receive email confirmation. If you have not answered all the mandatory questions your abstract will be held until you return later and complete all the questions.

Please ensure that you check your abstract carefully before submitting to ensure it is the final version. Any amendments you wish to make prior to the submission deadline can be made on the online submission system. If you do wish to make any amendments to your abstract once you have received notification that it has been accepted, you will need to email conference@bad.org.uk by Monday 17th March 2025. We will only accept amends to author details and cannot accept any changes to the abstract.

If you want to withdraw an abstract, please email conference@bad.org.uk 

  • Main meeting abstracts are judged by the Abstract Selection Committee.
  • Each Special Interest Group/Sub-Committee will have their own Abstract Selection Committee who will judge the abstracts submitted to their session and will select the best abstracts for presentation.

Main meeting

We will email all authors in early February 2025 with details on the outcome of their submission. Please do not call the office for details until then, as we will be unable to advise before this time.

Special Interest Group and Sub-Committee sessions

We will email all authors in March 2025 with details on the outcome of their submission. Please do not call the office for details until then, as we will be unable to advise before this time.

All selected abstracts will be printed in the BJD Supplement online.

We will publish your abstract from the version supplied by you. Please proof read your submission very carefully.

Should you have any queries relating to your abstract then please do not hesitate to contact the conference team at conference@bad.org.uk